Od: Nanoforum [info@nanoforum.org]
Odesláno: 19. března
2009 15:57
Komu: Kvasničková Alexandra
Předmět: Nanoforum
Newsletter No. 40, March 2009

Nanoforum Newsletter No. 40, March 2009
Dear Nanoforum
Welcome to the 40th Nanoforum newsletter. We trust that
you will find this of interest, however if you do not want to receive future
newsletters, please use the link at the end of this newsletter or unsubscribe on
our homepage. The Nanoforum newsletters are also available for download on www.nanoforum.org
With best regards,
Your Nanoforum Team
Please visit www.nanoforum.org for current information about European
nanotechnology including news, organisations, events, publications, calls and
programmes, and jobs. If you would like to inform the European community about
interesting news from your institution, you can contact any of the Nanoforum
EEIG members (details at "About Nanoforum" on www.nanoforum.org).
Event announcements
Newsletter No. 40, March 2009
Event announcement
Nanofair 2009
26-27 May 2009, Dresden, Germany
Basic and
application researchers as well as developers from different branches of
industry are facing fundamental questions:
- In which fields of application is the investment in nanotechnology
worthwhile in order to be able to develop products corresponding to real
market conditions?
- How can functionalities of materials and surfaces be improved in such a
way that the economy of different products is optimized?
For further
information please contact wissensforum@vdi.de or visit http://www.nanofair.com/
3rd International Symposium on Nanotechnology in Construction
31 May - 2 June 2 2009, Prague
The Symposium will be of
interest not only to academics and material scientists but also to industrial
experts, manufacturers, research planning and supporting authorities and R&D
representatives. Participation will also benefit anyone who wishes to get
informed about up-to-date achievements and perspectives of nanotechnology in
construction for strategic planning and investment.
For further
information please visit: http://www.conference.cz/nicom3/
Polymer Electronics
Towards the Future
Institution of Engineering
and Technology and Institute of Nanotechnology
Tuesday, 21 April
The IET | Savoy Place | London | UK
Full seminar information and
registration is available at
Visit our
website: http://email.ietinfo.org/c/15OcO1nHKsg3uIX
Register by
phone: +44 (0)1438 767 343
Register by fax: +44 (0)1438 765 659
by email: eventscs2@theiet.org

EuroNanoForum 2009
Nanotechnology for Sustainable
June 2nd to June 5th 2009 at Prague Conference
Centre (CCP)
Organized as an official event of Czech Presidency
of the European Union and supported by the European Commission through the
Industrial Technologies programme. The conference will address the contribution
and challenges of nanotechnology research for a sustainable development of
European industry and society, such as the need for reduction in carbon
emissions and fossil fuels dependence, the substantial increase in energy demand
and material production sustainability and efficiency, pollution control, clean
water management and sustainable quality of life of the European citizen.
For further information please visit http://www.euronanoforum2009.eu/
CZECH-In s.r.o.
Lukas Marecek
Prague Congress Centre
kvetna 65
Prague 4, CZ 140 00
Phone: +420 261 174 304
Fax: +420 261 174
e-mail: info@euronanoforum2009.eu
NanoCentral, in partnership with IntertechPira,
brings back Nanomaterials09 taking place at the Maritim Bonn
Hotel, Bonn, Germany on 16 -18 June 2009.
After last year's huge
success, NanoMaterials09 will feature even better conference
agenda and larger exhibition to make this the leading nanomaterials conference
in Europe. The main aim of the conference is to foster the commercialisation of
nanomaterials. Based on last year's feedback, another topic stream will be added
into the NanoMaterials09 programme - Clean
Technology. NanoMaterials09 will cover the latest
nanotechnology developments across a number of industries including thin
film and printed electronics, nanobiotechnology and consumer products,
nanocomposites and nanoplastics, and coatings, inks and pigments.
NanoMaterials09 will build on the success of
Nanomaterials08, attended by over 200 delegates, and reinforce
its strong reputation for quality and customer satisfaction as its driving force
to inspire commercial success in nanotechnology.
Why attend?
5 conference streams
Printed Electronics
Nanocomposites and
Nanobiotechnology and Consumer Products
Coatings, Inks and
Clean Technology
Exhibition area
Meet leading suppliers
showcasing the latest innovations in equipment, technology and services!
Poster exhibition
Learn about the late-breaking and innovative
research results!
Nanotech Europe 2009
28-30 September, Berlin
Largest Annual Nanotechnology Conference and Exhibition
Europe's largest
annual nanotechnology conference and exhibition, Nanotech Northern Europe moves
to Berlin, becoming Nanotech Europe.
Nanotech Europe is an event for
nanotechnology professionals, with an interest in research or taking that
research to market. The fifth Nanotech Europe offers a broad, interdisciplinary
overview of nanotechnology, and the opportunity to meet and discuss with others
in the nanotechnology community.
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